Thursday 29 July 2010

Oh Outland I miss you.

I started to type this a couple of days ago but then my phone got a call and I lost it. My paladin is now level 72 using a mixture of questing, battleground and random dungeon finder because honestly Northrend at least Howling Fjord and Dragonblight have been kinda boring with heirlooms and cold weather flying from 68.
Outland I knew where to go for good questing hubs and although these were again improved in Wrath, I just don't seem to be managing to level quite so quickly and I'm guessing that's due to the fact that the experience required for each level has gone up massively. I shall however continue on, starting to worry how I'll ever get two sets of gear together (ret and holy) I had enough problems just managing one for Red.
Speaking of Red she's only 35 frost emblems short of her four piece t10 bonus. I should really fix that this week.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Not much to say tonight.

I did want to say that I'd been working on my paladin and she'd gone up x amount but I haven't. Instead my boy got me into an ICC 25 pug and it didn't wipe after Saurfang! Yay! In fact we managed Rotface, Festergut, Blood Princes and we even saved an internet dragon! yeah, she started off as :
But in the end became:

This makes me happy :D I'm now 40 frosties away from my full four piece t10 and then I have no gear aims before cataclysm, I know I'm not going to win marks to upgrade them and I'll not beat any of the higher bosses to get better loot for other things. But hey, it's nice to know I can do most of it.

Just a shame we couldn't get our guild Ony/Uld raid done tonight due to lack of people.

Friday 23 July 2010

A blog before bed.

So as I type this my boyfriend is in ICC10 attacking the Blood Princes for the first time. My main has been well and truly shelved for anything none guild raid wise an my paladin is now level 71 and just started questing in Dragonblight. I was having fun running Eye of the Storm until it got to the time of school finishing, unfortunately for all of summer now, and magically we couldn't use tactics anymore. I seem to be doing between 800-1500 dps is northrend normals which I'm finding alright as I'm in greens throughout and I was still wearing my Argent Dawn stone collection trinket until tonight!
All in all it's seems to be going well. I power levelled her cooking and I'm working on fishing and her blacksmithing but I need another profession, potentially alchemy if I can get the money together to fund it.
I'm finding ret fun an excited at the prospect of getting holy for guild raids. I want to be more useful and I know boosting the dps numbers massively is good but I think this could be better. Let's just hope it doesn't take me too long to get from 71 to 80 and then to get two semi decent sets of gear!

Saturday 17 July 2010

When things go well.

I’m really really loving my paladin, yesterday, again with a little help from my boyfriend, I completed the Hero of the Mag’har questline. I love epic lore quests and can’t wait to get going on the Wrathgate chain again. This morning my little Belf girl hit 67, so it’s just once level of questing to grind out and then I can head to Northrend.

Like I said before I already heave her cold weather flying money now I just need to decide which starter area I want and I’m kind of leaning towards Howling Fjord, seen as I do love the Undead lore and all.

The only issue I have with her are her much neglected professions, with heirlooms it’s really easy to power past them, unless you focus on them like I did my priest where she has been capped out most of the time with inscription. I’ve definitely decided on blacksmithing but I’m not sure for her other slot.

Hopefully tomorrow she’ll hit 68, but I’m not sure as it’s Naxx night. Yes, we raid content for fun *gasp*.


Thursday 15 July 2010

Where have I been and what’s been going on?

Well it’s been a busy time, University has finished for the summer, so I’ve had a little more WoW time. My main has seen some of ICC but I’ve been bored of doing the same 5-6 bosses over and over and as I don’t want to join a raiding guild I’ve pretty much stopped pugging it.

I faction transfered my paladin, she’s now a level 64 Belf sitting enjoying the pretty of Nagrand and if RL stuff and a FF14 beta invite hadn’t stopped me playing she’d be on her way to Northrend by now. My aim is to dual spec her either prot/ret of holy/ret as I do love DPSing and she’s leveling ret. I already have her cold weather flying money saved so that should save some time once I get to the cold lands. I completed the blood elf epic mount quest on her too, with a little help from my boyfriends level 80 hunter. So here’s my newly elfed paladin burning down a church and showing off her fancy new Blood Knight tabard.



Other than that my priest has gone from Holy to Shadow and now to Disc and I’m slowly getting annoyed with LFG again but I’ll get there, she’s level 40 now and her inscription has been maxed out from the start, as soon as she gets to 50 or 55 there’s some more for her to learn.

Life goes on in Azeroth. Cataclysm videos get me very very excited for seeing my first expansion launch!