Sunday 16 May 2010

A lot can happen in a short space of time.

This is just a brief update but not much has changed in my WoW life. I went on holiday in April and along with many other Europeans I was affected by the ongoing Volcanic Ash problems from Iceland. This meant I ended up being stuck in Australia for two weeks longer than planned.

After returning I found it hard to get back into playing My main and so I've been bouncing through a variety of alts. A hunter, a Mage and my pally seem to be the favourites. I'm excited to see how quickly I can get my now properly specced ret pally up from level 46 as I pushed her two levels tonight. I'm also interested to see how quickly I can level another Mage. I'm crazy that way.

As soon as exams are done and I've done my Jury Duty it will be all hands on deck to do those pushes to 80 and I'm excited to see how many I can get over the summer.

Bye for now.