Wednesday 10 March 2010

Just when you think you’re out of the alts game….

Well after the last blog post I had everything thrown at me! I’ve found a guild that seems like the perfect fit for us, unfortunately they’re on a different realm, but luckily still EU, but they have been lovely in letting me set up an alt and try and level her within the guild to join them raiding at the end.

So my alt of choice this time? A Dwarf Hunter, because as we all know from Frostheim of there is no other class to play as a hunter (I of course know this is not true as my boyfriend’s hunter of the Troll variety). Looking at the racials though I do like the added 1% crit on guns and stoneform has been helping to save me a lot as I haven’t yet hit level 10 so I don’t have a pet yet.

The dead zone is hard though. Ah well I shall plod along, some of the Dwarf starting area quests are quite hard though so I may end up grinding the end of level 9 just so I can move on from there. I would have picked Human just to help with the rep grinds but I did quite fancy this class and I’ve already got myself a mini rotation down.

I had set myself on leveling Marksman but with the changes coming to the class in cataclysm:

  • removal of mana for Hunters
  • removal of ArP (which is the main MM stat)

I’m not quite sure, I guess it means I’ll have to decide depending on how quickly I level as I have no access to heirloom items.

I’ll close with a picture of my new little Dwarf.
